
Depending on the case, compensation for property damage may cover not only the loss actually suffered, but also the loss of expected benefits. On the other hand, compensation for personal injury may involve a range of benefits payable to the injured person and their immediate family.

Our team provides comprehensive assistance even in the most complex cases. We represent clients both in loss adjustment procedures held by insurance companies as well as in court disputes. If enforcement proves necessary, we will handle it too. We carefully analyse each case to design the most appropriate strategy. In matters of a delicate, personal nature we do our best to remain understanding and empathetic. If necessary, we also ensure the assistance of court-accredited experts and other specialists.

Some of the key areas of our expertise include:

Motor insurance claims – you can rely on us in pursuing all types of claims regarding losses and expenses incurred in road accidents, such as: vehicle repair, courtesy car, towing service, or value impairment of your vehicle.

Personal injury, including medical malpractice – we will help you obtain reimbursement of expenses incurred due to bodily injury or health disorder (among other things, including the costs of treatment, rehabilitation, medication and specialist care; medical transport; travel expenses for your family), disability benefit and/or financial compensation for the harm suffered. We also help clients seeking compensation for damages suffered as a result of someone’s death (reimbursement of medical and funeral expenses, survivor’s pension, compensation for pain and suffering, etc.).

Property damage – if your property has been lost, damaged or destroyed as a result of an adverse events (such as theft, flooding, or fire), we will be happy to seek compensation on your behalf.

Losses suffered by businesses, including those incurred in transport – we provide comprehensive support for businesses in enforcing their compensation claims; on top of that, we can assess general terms and conditions of your insurance to make sure that you are adequately protected.

Damages for loss of holiday enjoyment – if your travel agent has failed to provide you with adequate service, we will seek both compensation and damages.

Obviously, the above list is non-exhaustive and only presents the most typical compensation-related services we provide. We will thoroughly analyse each case and come up with an optimised, most satisfactory solution.